Mack Graham

Nonprofit Executive | Social Justice Activist | Neighborhood Hope Dealer

Bet On Yourself

Your sense of who you are will determine your actions and what you end up getting in life. 

If you see your reach as limited, that you are mostly helpless in the face of so many difficulties, that it is best to keep your ambitions low, then you will receive the little that you expect...Knowing this dynamic – ask for more, aim high, and believe that you are destined for something great. 

Your sense of self-worth comes from you alone – never the opinion of others. With a rising confidence in your abilities, you will take risks that will increase your chances of success. People follow those who know where they are going, so cultivate an air of certainty and boldness.


Turn Sh*t into Sugar

Turn Sh*t into Sugar

Every negative situation contains the possibility for something positive, an opportunity. It is how you look at it that matters. Your lack of resources can be an advantage, forcing you to be more inventive with the little that you have. Losing a battle can allow you to frame yourself as the sympathetic underdog. Do not let fears make you wait for a better moment or become conservative. If there are circumstances you can't control, make the best of them. It is the ultimate alchemy to transform all such negatives into advantages and power.
